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Sandra Armenta understands the significance of economic development to local governments, recognizing that it plays a pivotal role in fostering a prosperous and resilient local economy. By prioritizing the enhancement of productivity among businesses and individuals, economic development can usher in higher growth rates, improved income levels, and elevated living standards for all residents.

A key tenet of effective economic development lies in its emphasis on addressing the specific needs of existing industries within the community, while also focusing on attracting external businesses from other regions. This entails setting clear objectives, facilitating the growth of local businesses, and actively engaging with target populations to create new employment opportunities and foster an environment conducive to skill development among workers and employers alike.

Sandra believes that the collaboration between regional leaders and their state partners is imperative in ensuring the success of economic development initiatives. This collaborative effort allows for a more holistic and coordinated approach that is better equipped to adapt to changing economic landscapes and disruptions, ultimately contributing to reduced inequality within and across regions, enhanced supply chain resilience, and heightened national competitiveness.

Sandra Armenta For State Senate Economic Development

In essence, Sandra recognizes that economic development is a cornerstone for local governments, as it not only promotes a robust and inclusive local economy but also addresses critical local needs and paves the way for poverty reduction and overall economic growth. The positive outcomes of effective economic development translate into financial success and increased property valuations, which, in turn, alleviate stress and enhance the overall quality of life for constituents under her leadership.

Economic development is the key to creating opportunities and prosperity for all. I believe that we can foster a vibrant and sustainable economy by supporting small businesses, promoting innovation, and enhancing workforce skills.


Homelessness is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects thousands of people in California. Sandra believes that we can positively impact homelessness by addressing its root causes and providing comprehensive support for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. California needs to re-evaluate how it addresses homelessness funding by rewarding those programs that reduce the number of homeless and ending those programs that only facilitate increasing the number of homeless.

Sandra Armenta For State Senate Homelessness

In addition to these strategies, mental health reform is also a key component of ending homelessness for the disproportionate number of people who experience homelessness while suffering from mental health or substance use disorders. Integration of mental health care into homeless services and coordination of care between providers can improve health outcomes and reduce homelessness.

Overall, reforming homelessness requires a collaborative approach with wraparound services and coordination among multiple state and local agencies to align resources for housing and supportive services. It takes political will, leadership, and a commitment to addressing deep-rooted inequities to ensure that everyone has access to housing. Together, we can make it happen.


Sandra Armenta places a strong emphasis on public safety, a fundamental right and responsibility for every citizen. She firmly believes that the key to reducing crime and violence in communities lies in investments made in prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation programs.

Drawing from her extensive experience and long-standing relationship with her city's LA County Sheriff's Department, Sandra recognizes the critical impact that state legislation can have on local policing agencies. For instance, when states enact laws that restrict the effectiveness of police officers in carrying out their duties, it can lead to a decrease in public safety and an increase in criminal activity. Similarly, reduced funding for police departments resulting from state legislation can translate into fewer resources for essential training, equipment, and personnel, further compromising public safety.

Moreover, Sandra is acutely aware of how certain state legislation can strain the relationship between local police departments and the communities they serve. Legislation perceived as unjust or discriminatory can erode the trust between law enforcement and the community, making it considerably more challenging for officers to effectively fulfill their responsibilities.

In light of these considerations, Sandra emphasizes the importance of state legislators taking into account the potential impact of their actions on local police departments. She advocates for laws that both support effective law enforcement and protect the rights of citizens.

Sandra firmly supports law enforcement and believes it is crucial to strengthen our support for these dedicated professionals. She understands the importance of enacting legislation that prioritizes the safety and well-being of our communities.

Sandra recognizes the need for a balanced approach to legislation, one that safeguards the rights of victims while ensuring that criminals are held accountable for their actions. She is committed to advocating for measures that protect our communities and businesses from theft, creating an environment where everyone can feel secure and thrive.

In her pursuit of public office, Sandra Armenta is dedicated to working towards legislation that prioritizes the interests of law-abiding citizens, supports law enforcement, and ensures justice for victims, all while maintaining the safety and security of our communities.


L O C A L  C O N T R O L

Local control is the vital principle that empowers local governments to make decisions that best suit their communities. Sandra firmly supports this principle and aims to enhance our city's autonomy and flexibility to address its distinct challenges and opportunities.

Sandra's stance on local control includes:

  • Opposing unfunded mandates and preemption laws that erode local authority.

  • Advocating for increased revenue sharing and cooperation with state and federal governments.

  • Local control is particularly crucial for California cities, allowing them to manage land use and zoning according to their residents' specific needs, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach from the state legislature.

As a former California Contract Cities Association president, Sandra recognizes the importance of education, advocacy, networking, and access in strengthening local governance. Each city is unique, and they should have the autonomy to manage their own future, especially in land use and zoning decisions. Local governments should be the ultimate decision-makers for their community's development."


Sandra Armenta is deeply aware of the pressing California housing crisis and is dedicated to seeking balanced, effective solutions. She acknowledges that this crisis impacts people from all walks of life in California, emphasizing the importance of addressing it comprehensively.

Sandra's approach to resolving the housing crisis involves finding an equilibrium between increasing housing supply and ensuring affordability. She values collaborations between the public and private sectors to encourage the construction of affordable housing units throughout the state. Sandra is committed to advocating for legislation that simplifies the housing development approval process while maintaining high construction standards.

Additionally, Sandra Armenta is committed to safeguarding vulnerable populations affected by the housing crisis, including seniors and low-income families. Her focus is on promoting policies that offer assistance and resources to those in need and preventing homelessness through early intervention programs and support networks. As she pursues a State Senate seat, Sandra's moderate stance on the housing crisis demonstrates her dedication to practical solutions that benefit all Californians, addressing this crucial issue with pragmatism and empathy.

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